Salon Stories  Newsletter February 2019

Some exciting news that our Pet Stylists Olivia, Caitlin, Lani & Emily are now qualified Cert III in Pet Grooming.  This required extended theory and 4 practical exams. Meet all the team at We now have a brand new, larger, air-conditioned salon inside Petstock Erina. The Entrance to the salon is now near the Petstock front counter. We are right next to the brand new Petstock Veterinary hospital which will open shortly. We are however no longer associated with the West Gosford Petstock grooming salon. Our stylists recently attended the May Wong Asian Fusion Styling Seminar. If you would like a Teddy Bear or Asian Fusion styled haircut for your dog please ask. This style of grooming is recommended for Bonnie club or Star Club members. Pet Stylist Charmaine is now an Australian Model Dog Groom Team member and will be representing Australia in the world Model Dog Grooming Competition in 2020.  Charmaine will also be representing the team on the 2nd Australian Pet Groomers Cruise in August 2019. Charmaine has also been invited to compete at Mastergroom Australia in Melbourne in March. If you have a purebred Poodle, Bichon Frise, Terrier, Setters or Spaniels  2-10 years of age of show quality that’s available for future grooming competitions in Sydney or Melbourne please contact Charmaine direct on 0408629464. Our VIP clients are getting organised and making their grooming appointments for the year ahead. If you would like to join one of the below Bonnie, Star or Pet Friends reward clubs please give us a call to make your bookings and have your dog looking and feeling awesome all year round. Join our Bonnie Club by booking 1-3 weekly appointments for the year. Or Join our Star Club by booking 4-6 weekly appointments for the year. Or Join our Pet Friendz Club by booking 7-9 weekly appointments for the year. We have Free Valentines theme bandanas to give out to the first 100 dogs booked in between 11-14th February 2019. Mention this email to secure your pets bling. We are receiving awesome feedback from our clients that are choosing the Nagayu Spa Treatments. Your dogs skin will be healthier, their coats will stay cleaner longer and they feel so nice, clean & soft. Mention this email and try Nagayu for the first time for $5.99, usually $10.99 with a shampoo, haircut or groom out service. Saving $5. Please take a look around our new website We welcome feedback on our Survey page Once again Thank You for your loyal custom, Yours in Grooming, Charmaine & Olivia