Request a Booking Name* Phone*Email* Pet type*Please SelectDogCatOther / MultiplePet(s) Name(s)* Pet(s) Breed(s)* Type of cat grooming service required*Please selectLion ClipComb ClipBelly, Sanitary ClipBelly, Sanitary Clip with Pants and/or Mane TrimNail TrimType of dog grooming service required*Please selectShampoo & Fluff DryDeshed Groom OutMini GroomHair CutExpress SpaOtherShampoo & fluff dry by hand?*Please SelectYesNoWhat Salon would like you visit?*NararaErinaWhat Salon would like you visit?*NararaCat grooming services are only available at the Narara SalonRequested Day/Time* Would you like to pre-book your pets grooming appointments for 6 months in advance?*Please selectYesNoWhat is your preferred day?Please selectMonday (Erina Salon Only)TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday (Erina Salon Only)What is your preferred time? : Hours Minutes AM PM On a schedule of:Please select1 weeks2 weeks3 weeks4 weeks5 weeks6 weeks7 weeks8 weeksMessage/CommentsCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.